
Pressure Instrument


Magnetic-assisted contact pressure gauge

100mm Industry standard type

Control and regulate the industrial production process
Monitor the equipment and control the circuit opening and breaking
Suitable for corrosive gas and liquid media that are not highly viscosity and difficult to crystallize and erosive environments.
Chemical industry
petrochemical industry power plantmining coastal platform
environmental protection technology machinery manufacturing and general plant construction
Functional characteristics
There are up to 4 switch electrical contacts per instrument
Provide rechargeable liquid housing suitable for high dynamic pressure load and high vibration environment
Provide instruments with inductive electrical contacts that can be used in hazardous areas
Provide an instrument with charged contact suitable for PLC applications
S3 safety instrument is optional conforming to EN 837 standard

In any case, if you want to display the process pressure and switch off the circuit locally, the electrical contact pressure gauge will be ideal, and the switch electrical contact (electronic electrical contact for alarm) can be turned on and turned off the electrical control circuit according to the pointer position of the instrument. The switch electrical contact can be adjustable within the overall range. Usually, the elevator points are installed under the dial, and only a few are installed on the dial. The instrument pointer (actual value pointer) can rotate freely in the whole range, regardless of the setting. The setting pointer can be adjusted by the removable adjustment key in the window. The switch electrical contact not only contains multiple electrical contacts, but also can set a single set value. When the actual value pointer exceeds or below the set value, the electrical contact is switched. This pressure gauge is manufactured according to DIN 16085 standard and meets the safety requirements of all relevant standards (e. g. EN 837-1) and specifications and can be used for working pressure of high pressure vessels. Switch electrical contact includes magnetic auxiliary electrical contact, dry spring electrical contact, induction type electrical contact and electronic electrical contact. Induction electrical contact may be used in hazardous areas. As for connecting PLC, the electronic electrical exchange point and dry spring electrical contact can be used.

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LUDWIG China Representative Office

Production address of the Chinese factory:
LUDWIG Industrial Park, No. 88 Chunfen Road, Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone
Fax: 020-82879806
Customer service hotline: 400-860-9760
Sales consultation email: lw@ludwig-schneider.com.cn

China Sales Center

Production address of the Chinese factory:
LUDWIG Industrial Park, No. 88 Chunfen Road, Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone
Tel.: 021-5582-7706
Fax: 021-5582-7725
Technical support email: support@ludwig-schneider.com.cn